Burns Night Events
Matt On Malt – Burn’s Night 2019 – Piping in the Haggis
Matt On Malt – Burn’s Night 2019 – The Address to a Haggis
Scotland's favourite son, also known as the Ploughman Poet, the Bard of Ayrshire or in Scotland simply as The Bard.
Robert Burns was the son of a poor Scottish farmer, he became known as one of the world’s greatest poets. He was passionate about life as a farmer and with both women and his beliefs; he had quite a few children by rather a large number of women, one of whom was his wife.
Robert Burns was a poetic genius that loved his homeland, Scotland. He was a man with empathy in both nature and his fellow man. He held strong even radical political views.
Robert Burns was skilled in writing poems in understandable English yet chose to write most of his work in Scots dialect that makes his work impenetrable without careful study.
He was a good man albeit somewhat flawed. Yet his passion cannot be denied; his passion for his home, his passion for nature and of courses his passion for the women that he knew.